The I AM Giver
Playing Time: 60 minutes | Playing Space: 4×4 meters, 12×12 feet | Genre: Children’ Musical with Puppet (6-11 years)
A recipe of song, dance and charm, spun like a web with Kathleen Ann Thompson as the story teller, The I AM Giver is a mercurial tale with an important message. Using the full battery of movement skills for which she is widely known, Kathleen surrounds herself with the life-size puppet heads of four whimsical animals. She then breathes life into Sniffs, the no-good dog, Gretchen, the awkward goose, Moni, the stupid cow and Axel, the ugly frog.
Together, with her four companions, storyteller Kathleen decides to embark on a hazardous and speculative journey to find the mysterious, Chief I AM Giver… one whom no one has ever seen, but everyone has heard all about. As the journey continues, she begins to reach into the child’s world where harmful labels and negative imaging often leave a life-time scar on childhood development. Each animal sings and dances their heart as they reveal the pain of their own negative I AM and reach for the hope that the Chief I AM giver can give them a brand a new I AM. The final surprise is a moment of unforgettable hope and joy… a new identity and a life with a reason for living!